Equipment manufacture & repair

Equipment manufacture & repair
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Turnkey manufacturing & repair services across the complete drilling package

AZ Steel And Equipment supports its clients with new equipment manufacture and critical equipment repairs during maintenance.

As part of new build or upgrade projects, we apply our expert engineering knowledge to design and build bespoke equipment. We take the lead from concept to commissioning, often manufacturing equipment that represents an industry first or which must be tailored to specific asset or operating conditions.

In maintenance situations, our drilling equipment experts put our long-developed equipment repair procedures to work. Typically, this involves precision machining or welding and heat treatment to bring equipment back within a specified tolerance. Our technical and quality functions work together managing and controlling our API Q2 approved supply chain to deliver repairs that no one else can.

  • Engineering design & consultancy
  • Hydraulics design
  • Fabrication & assembly
  • Precision machining
  • Welding & heat treatment
  • Painting & coatings
  • Testing services
  • Class acceptance management

Trusted by

  • Borr
  • diamond
  • kca
  • noble
  • transocean
  • Valaris Logo